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class blitz.communications.rs232.SerialManager[source]

Manages serial (eventually RS232, SPI or I2C) communications with expansion boards. It has both a monitoring loop and an “outbox” which it uses for sending information.

classmethod Instance()[source]

Returns a reference to a single SerialManager instance

Returns SerialManager:
 The SerialManager singleton instance

Generates a list of available serial ports, mapping their ID to the COM* or /dev/tty* reference. Adapted from


Listens for board commands and distributes them to the correct board.

Parameters:signal_args – the arguments received from the blinker signal. In the form [‘BOARD ID’, ‘ARGS’, ...]
static open_serial_connection(port_name, baud_rate=57600, read_timeout=3)[source]

Creates a serial port connection, opens it and returns it. Note if you are using USB serial and an Arduino you may need to put a resistor between 5V or 3.3V and the RESET pin to prevent auto reset. This should only be required during development using a PC. Check the interwebs for the correct resistance value (this is a known issue)

  • port_name – the name of the port to open (for instance COM3)
  • baud_rate – the baud rate of the serial connection (default 57600)
  • read_timeout – the timeout to use for reading from ports (default 3 seconds)

An open serial port object


Requests a transmission from the specified board and saves the returned data to the database

Parameters:board_id – the ID of the board in hex form, (e.g. “08” for board with ID 8)

Resets the (Arduino Based) expansion board on the given port by toggling the DTR line. Only works for Arduino based expansion boards

Parameters:board_id – the serial port to send the reset command to
send_command_with_ack(command, board_id)[source]

Sends the given command over the serial port and checks for an ACK response. Returns None if the ACK was received, and the received message otherwise

  • command – the string command to send over the serial port, from the SerialCommands constant
  • board_id – the ID of the board in hex form, (e.g. “08” for board with ID 8)
Raises ExpansionBoardNotFound:

when a message is sent to an expansion board which doesn’t exist


the board response if an error was received, or None if ACK was received


Requests an ID from the serial port name and returns it. If no ID is found, return None

Parameters:port – the serial port handle to read/write from
Returns:A two digit hex board ID, or None if no ID was found

Starts listening on the serial ports and polling for updates every SerialUpdatePeriod seconds

Parameters:tcp – the TCP connection to use for communications

Stops logging data and sends a STOP request to all boards

Parameters:signal_args – the arguments provided by the blinker signal (unused)