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class blitz.communications.client_states.BaseState[source]

A base state diagram which provides a few methods - this should not be directly instantiated.

All methods return a BaseState derived object which should handle future message processing

enter_state(tcp, state, args=None)[source]

Called when entering the state

go_to_state(tcp, state, args=None)[source]

Transition to a new state and call enter_state on it

Returns:the new state
receive_message(tcp, msg)[source]

Called when a message needs processing

send_message(tcp, msg)[source]

Send the passed message over TCP and return the current state

class blitz.communications.client_states.ClientDownloadingState[source]

Handles the client in logging state - sends periodic status updates

class blitz.communications.client_states.ClientIdleState[source]

Handles the client idling, waiting for further commands

class blitz.communications.client_states.ClientInitState[source]

Handles the client starting up - sends a “logging” query to the logger and waits for the response

enter_state(tcp, state, args=None)[source]

Send a logging query to the logger

class blitz.communications.client_states.ClientLoggingState[source]

Handles the client in logging state - sends periodic status updates

enter_state(tcp, state, args=None)[source]

sets up a timer which periodically polls the data logger for updates

request_update(stop_event, tcp)[source]

called on timer tick to request an update from the TCP server

class blitz.communications.client_states.ClientStartingState[source]

Handles logging starting - waits for ACK from server

class blitz.communications.client_states.ClientStoppingState[source]

Handles waiting for acknowledgement from a client before entering IDLE state